Clinical Consultancy Packages


Our prime position as a market leader in clinical neurotherapy optimally positions us to support you with your latest product research and development. Our highly skilled multidisciplinary team has extensive knowledge of managing complex clinical needs. Combined with insights into a wide range of neurotechnology devices, generated from numerous years working at the cutting edge of neurotechnology in rehabilitation, MiNT packages offer a unique opportunity to optimise clinical device application.

Every collaboration is unique, review our services then complete the form to receive an individualised quote for your requirements or contact

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Half Day (3.5 hours), Full Day (7 Hours)

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Access to 4 Clinicians

Our MiNT team will identify therapists with the necessary professional background, experience and vision to work with your individual product. This could be any combination of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists from our interdisciplinary team.

Product Demonstration

Led by your team, allowing the MiNT therapists to see the device in real life and begin to understand it’s clinical application in more depth.

Clinician Product Trial

Our MiNT  therapists will try the device on each other, gaining sufficient experience of the device to provide relevant feedback.

Patient Product Trial

Full Day Only
We will arrange for 2-3 patients to attend, trial your device and provide crucial end-user feedback at an early stage of development. This will also enable therapists to provide more thorough clinical feedback. Patient selection will be discussed with you prior to the session.

Group Feedback

The MiNT therapists will provide initial product feedback, combined with an interactive discussion of potential modifications, developments and applications that enable you to further develop your product in line with clinical requirements.

Development Discussion

Full Day Only
Together we will explore the next stages of product development together. This can include (but is not limited to) exploration of grant funding, planning of feasibility trials, clinical protocol design, connections to other MiNT Members (clinical, industry and academic), preparation for future clinical consultancy sessions or packages, and potential for conference collaborations.

Action Planning

Concluding discussion to determine key actions required to further the collaboration established
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Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 & Level 5

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The MiNT Academy clinicians will create clinically relevant training material for the device to feature on Levels 2-4 of the MiNT Academy. All of these levels are device-specific, providing subscribed clinicians with greater awareness of the device and opportunity to embed it into their clinical practice. Presentation of a device on The MiNT Academy will significantly increase the potential audience and uptake a technology and company receive.
The MiNT Academy's Masterclass in Neurotechnology: Level 1, Module 1

Level 2

Device Specific Online e-Learning
Multiple modules covering the basic device controls/theory/mechanisms, alongside clinical case studies, exploring the application of the device to different pathologies and patient presentations.

Level 3

Device Specific Practical Day
Led by a MiNT Mentor, clinicians complete a one-day course, including hands-on device education, patient treatment sessions and the use of clinical reasoning tools to maximise clinical application. Afterwards, clinicians continue using the device for 3 months, completing a log book during this period to evidence and apply their learning, embed the device into practice and disseminate device knowledge to others. Progression with the device is monitored by a MiNT mentor.

Level 4

Device Specialist Advanced Course
Clinicians who are regular users of a device attend an advanced course to work with patients over a longer period of time, developing advanced clinical reasoning skills with the specific technology. This includes in-depth theoretical preparation work, such as literature reviews and critical reflection. With peer support from other device specialists, clinicians explore additional settings, novel applications and complex patient presentations using the device.

Level 5

Train the Trainer
Clinicians who have completed all previous levels have the opportunity to become a MiNT Trainer for this device. This allows them to run MiNT Levels 3 and 4 from their own geographical locations, still using the MiNT ethos whilst widening the educational reach.
An initial meeting will be held to plan The MiNT Academy content alongside the company vision. Throughout Levels 2-4, company-owned resources can be included on The MiNT Academy's online platform and disseminated at practical courses. All MiNT learning content created is done so with company verification before publication. Company representatives are welcome to support practical courses. In order to support Level 3 clinicians, companies are encouraged to facilitate device loans and distribution to enable those who may not have immediate device access. All educational material will be supported by a licence agreement for intellectual property protection.
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Clinical Trials

Feasibility to Multi-Site
We can work as your clinical partners on trials of any size - from early useability / feasibility studies, up to multi-site and international partnerships. We hold a Research Database of potential participants (from our extensive clinical user and stakeholder network) who have consented to being contacted about appropriate opportunities. We encourage interdisciplinary participation for holistic experiences and will provide regular feedback and reports as necessary during the trial duration. Trials can run over any duration, and be either grant, charity or privately funded, so long as the finances are in place prior to activity commencement.

Virtual Clinical Consultancy

We recognise that sometimes additional consultancy is needed during the development process. If you have already met with us online and had a Clinical Consultancy Session, we are still here to help further. Additional hours of consultancy can be arranged to provide that ongoing clinical review and input that you require.

Research Protocol Creation

The MiNT Academy does not generally lead protocol writing or grant applications, but we understand that our clinical contributions are often essential for making your application and research relevant, scientific and focused. Therefore we are able to collaborate and support the creation of research protocols, both during the grant application process and prior to ethics approvals. We will determine the volume of assistance needed to provide you with a bespoke cost for this service.

Clinical Case Studies

Case studies involve devices being used in clinical practice - we accumulate and analyse outcome data, before presenting this in the format most meaningful to you (e.g. poster, presentation or other alternative). We encourage you to identify the knowledge gaps that the case study is to address, ensuring the work brings new and complementary understanding to the current evidence base. Exact costs are dependent on format, content and device.

Events and Conferences Support

We can support you with device demonstrations, presentations, posters and clinical opinions at conferences and events, increasing the clinical application shown in these forums. This enables potential end-users to better understand device relevance and appropriateness, whilst increasing the interactive nature of these events. Prices for this service are event dependent.

Clinical Logbook Data

The MiNT Academy is well placed to capture a large amount of clinical data. We are using this to inform future clinical guidelines and device application to maximise patient outcomes. If your device is part of our Level 3+ training, you also have the opportunity to access the data collected by course participants for your own research and development.
“Collaborating with clinical experts and patients at Hobbs Rehabilitation has provided unique insight that helped guide product development so that it meets patient and clinical needs from the initial development steps.”
Eve Gregoriou, NeuroVirt Founder and CEO
''We have been delighted to work with Hobbs Rehabilitation and The University of Winchester on our RCT with The G Move Suit in Stroke affected patient populations. The team are highly focused, easy to work with & competent and has provided us with the valuable ability to support this significant investment in clinic outcomes".
— Paul J Donnelly, Winback UK Ltd CEO— 
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